Endlich ist es offiziell: Wir ziehen um!
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Djuilen, ist wie man sieht, nicht so glücklich über den Umzug! |
Per 1. Juli 2020 übernimmt Cédric die Produktionsstätte Florence (Devon), Kentucky!
February 25, 2020
Devon Operations Organizational Change
I am pleased to announce that Cedric Koller has accepted the position of Site Director, Devon Operations. Over the next twelve months, the majority of the Savory production in Cranbury and Middlesex will be absorbed into our Devon, KY facility and Carol Stream IL facility. Cedric will remain in the Cranbury and Middlesex leadership role until a significant portion of the product has transferred internally.
Cedric graduated from Business School of Administration in Zurich, Switzerland. Prior to Givaudan, Cedric’s experience stretches across the Supply Chain and Logistic Industry in several countries in Europe and South America. He joined Givaudan in 2004 in Europe and has since held several roles with increasing responsibilities in Supply Chain and Manufacturing including roles in Switzerland, Hungary and East Hanover, most recently assuming responsibility for the Cranbury and Middlesex operations. Under his leadership, both sites have continued to deliver the flavor profile, quality, specifications, and production processes our customers have come to expect of Givaudan.
Leon Eijkenboom will continue to lead the Devon team until such time as Cedric has made a full transition to the Devon site. Leon has been instrumental in establishing a savory master plan for North America and his leadership in Devon ensures a seamless transition for our customers.
Cedric and Leon will begin a handover process during Q2 with a full transition by the first of July.
Please join me in congratulating Cedric on his new assignment at Devon and wish him continued success at Givaudan, as well as thanking Leon for providing stability to the organization during this transition.
Balaji Padmanabhan
Head of Operations, NOAM
Cedric graduated from Business School of Administration in Zurich, Switzerland. Prior to Givaudan, Cedric’s experience stretches across the Supply Chain and Logistic Industry in several countries in Europe and South America. He joined Givaudan in 2004 in Europe and has since held several roles with increasing responsibilities in Supply Chain and Manufacturing including roles in Switzerland, Hungary and East Hanover, most recently assuming responsibility for the Cranbury and Middlesex operations. Under his leadership, both sites have continued to deliver the flavor profile, quality, specifications, and production processes our customers have come to expect of Givaudan.
Leon Eijkenboom will continue to lead the Devon team until such time as Cedric has made a full transition to the Devon site. Leon has been instrumental in establishing a savory master plan for North America and his leadership in Devon ensures a seamless transition for our customers.
Cedric and Leon will begin a handover process during Q2 with a full transition by the first of July.
Please join me in congratulating Cedric on his new assignment at Devon and wish him continued success at Givaudan, as well as thanking Leon for providing stability to the organization during this transition.
Balaji Padmanabhan
Head of Operations, NOAM
Wir freuen uns über seinen erneuten Karrieresprung und sind sehr stolz!
Es geht nun also 2 weitere Flugstunden westlich, ins tiefe Amerika, allerdings grad noch in der selben Zeitzone!
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Givaudan Devon Produktonsstäte mit 220 Mitarbeiter |
Florence liegt im Staat Kentucky, wo der Ohio River nur wenige Meilen nördlich die zwei Staaten Kentucky und Ohio voneinander trennt. Diese Region von Amerika, vor allem Kentucky, ist sehr konservativ. Jeder besitzt eine (oder eine ganze Kiste voll) Waffe und ein Pro-Trump Schild irgendwo im Keller, schlimmstenfalls im Vorgarten!! Es kann also extrem spannend werden!
Wir haben unsere Hausaufgaben bereits gemacht, und folgende Regionen (die gelben Sterne) zum Wohnen ins Auge gefasst:
www.zillow.com ist die Homepage die wir im Moment am meisten besuchen. Wir schauen uns Häuser in allen Variationen an. Anfang April, während Djulien's Frühlingsferien geht es in die Cincinnati Region und wir besuchen Schulen, Häuser und wollen einfach durch die verschiedenen Gegenden fahren und ein Gefühl für die Umgebung kriegen! Wir sind voller Tatendrang!
Die Tage des Packens stehen bereits fest: 22./23 Juni 2020 wird unser Haushalt gepackt und wir beginnen unser Abenteuer des Umzugs! Wir packen wenige Dinge in unseren Wohnwagen und fahren innert 1 1/2 Wochen in unser neues zu Hause, bzw. wohl am Anfang in eine temporäre Wohnung! Ohio oder Kentucky!
Ohio oder Kentucky? Was meint ihr?
Da chan ich Eu nöd helfe! Die Entscheidig müend ihr wohl ohni mich träffe, oder Eu vo andere helfe la.
AntwortenLöschenOder aber, wie ihr vor händ, die Gegend mal uf eu iwürke la i de Früeligsferie.
Das wird bestimmt e spannendi Zyt für eu und ich wünsche Eu vill Chraft, Elan und gueti Entscheidige!
Aber wie ich eu kenne, schaffed ihr au das ;)